


    37 resultados con estos criterios de búsqueda
    Judith Meek, Angela Huertas Departmento de Salud de la Mujer, Servicio de Neonatología, University College London Hospital NHS Trust, Londres (Reino Unido). Contacto: Judith Meek. Department of Women\'s Health, Neonatal Service, University College London Hospital NHS Trust, 2nd floor North, 250 Euston Road, London NW1 2PG, UK; [judith.meek@uclh.nhs.uk] Comentario sobre: Pillai Riddell RR, Racine NM, Turcotte K, y cols. Non-pharmacological management of infant and young child procedural pain. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2011; 10: CD006275. Implicaciones para la práctica y ...
    Janet Tucker University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Scotland. Contacto: Obstetrics and Gynaecology/HSRU, Division of Applied Health Sciences, School of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen Maternity Hospital, Cornhill Road, Aberdeen AB25 2ZL, Scotland; [j.s.tucker@abdn.ac.uk] Comentario sobre: Profit J, Petersen LA, McCormick MC et ál. Patient-to-nurse ratios and outcomes of moderately preterm infants. Pediatrics 2010; 125: 320?6 [[Abstract/FREE Full text]]. Los informes procedentes de unidades de cuidados críticos de hace más de una dácada sugerían que ...
    Dorothy Dougherty Centro de Ciencias de la Salud Sunnybrook, Toronto, Ontario, Canadá. Contacto: Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Women and Babies Program, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Toronto, Ontario M4N 3N5, Canada; [dorothy.dougherty@sunnybrook.ca] Comentario sobre: Dempsey E, Miletin J. Banked preterm versus banked term human milk to promote growth and development in very low birth weight infants. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2010; 6: CD007644. La leche materna siempre se ha donado, de una forma u otra, a lo largo ...
    Yvan Vandenplas UZ Brussel, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Laarbeeklaan 101, 1090 Brussels, Belgium; [yvan.vandenplas@uzbrussel.be ] Comentario sobre: Rao S, Srinivasjois R, Patole S. Prebiotic supplementation in full-term neonates: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2009; 163: 755?64 [[Resumen/Texto completo GRATUITO]]. Hace años que se sabe que los oligosacáridos constituyen un componente importante de la leche humana, que no están presentes ni la leche de otras especies animales ni en la de soja. La leche humana ...
    Dawn E. Elder Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Otago Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand Contacto: Dawn E. Elder Department of Paediatrics and Child Health, University of Otago, Wellington, PO Box 7343, Wellington 6242, New Zealand; [dawn.elder@otago.ac.nz] Comentario sobre: Lister G, Rybin DV, Colton T, y cols. Collaborative Home Infant Monitoring Evaluation (CHIME) Study Group. Relationship between sleep position and risk of extreme cardiorespiratory events. J Pediatr 2012; 161:22?25. Implicaciones para la práctica y la investigación Los episodios cardiorrespiratorios extremos se pueden registrar durante el sueño y ...
    Kathleen F Norr Universidad de Illinois en Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, Estados Unidos. Contacto: Kathleen F Norr 845 South Damen Avenue, Chicago, IL 60612-7350, USA; [knorr@uic.ed] Comentario sobre: Kitzman HJ, Olds DL, Cole RE y cols. Enduring effects of prenatal and infancy home visiting by nurses on children: follow-up of a randomized trial among children at age 12 years. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2010; 164: 412?18 [[Abstract/FREE Full text]]. Estudios que respaldan la alianza entre enfermeras y ...
    Mikki Meadows-Oliver Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad de Yale, Hamden, Connecticut, Estados Unidos. Contacto: PO Box 9740, 100 Church Street South, Suite 200, Hamden, CT 06536-0740, USA; [mikki.meadows-oliver@yale.edu] Comentario sobre: Hojsak I, Abdovic S, Szajewska H y cols. Lactobacillus GG in the prevention of nosocomial gastrointestinal and respiratory tract infections. Pediatrics 2010; 125: e1171?7 [[Abstract/FREE Full text]]. Las infecciones intrahospitalarias o nosocomiales, se han asociado a tasas significativas de morbilidad y mortalidad[1 ]incluso en hospitales con programas ...
    S. Hasan Arshad Departamento de Ciencias Clínicas y Experimentales, Hospital General de Southampton, Southampton (Reino Unido) Contacto: S. Hasan Arshad. Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, Southampton General Hospital, Tremona Road, Southampton, Hants SO16 6YD, UK; [sha@soton.ac.uk] Comentario sobre: Tromp II, Kiefte-de Jong JC, Lebon A, y cols. The introduction of allergenic foods and the development of reported wheezing and eczema in childhood: the Generation R study. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 2011;165:933?8. [[CrossRef]] [[Medline] ][[Web of Science]] Implicaciones para la práctica y la ...
    Jeannette T. Crenshaw1,2, Jane Dimmitt Champion3 1School of Nursing, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas, USA 2Margot Perot Center for Women and Infants, Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas, Texas, USA 3School of Nursing, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, USA Contacto: Dr. Jeannette T. Crenshaw, DNP, RN School of Nursing, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, Texas, USA; [j][eannette.crenshaw@ttuhsc.edu,] [jeannettecrenshaw@tx.rr.com] Comentario sobre: Wallin L, Gustavsson P, Ehrenberg A, y cols. A modest start, but a steady ...
    Jane Fisher Deputy Director and Coordinator of International Programmes Centre for Women\'s Health, Gender and Society. Contacto: Associate Professor Jane Fisher Centre for Women\'s Health, Gender and Society, Melbourne School of Population Health, University of Melbourne, Victoria 3010, Australia; [jrwf@unimelb.edu.au] Comentario sobre: Taylor J, Johnson M. How women manage fatigue after childbirth. Midwifery 2010; 26: 367?75 [[CrossRef]][[Medline]]. El cansancio es un síntoma generalizado en las madres de recián nacidos que resulta especialmente problemático ...
    Geeta K Swamy Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Duke University Medical Center, 2608 Erwin Road, Durham, NC 27705, USA; [swamy002@mc.duke.edu] Comentario sobre: Shipton D, Tappin DM, Vadiveloo T et al. Reliability of self reported smoking status by pregnant women for estimating smoking prevalence: a retrospective, cross sectional study. BMJ 2009;339:b4347 [[Abstract/FREE Full text]]. El consumo de tabaco durante el embarazo está asociado con diferentes resultados adversos, como abortos espontáneos, nacimientos pre tármino, bajo peso al nacer, limitación del crecimiento fetal, desprendimientos placentarios, ...
    Lisa M Kohr University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, 418 Curie Blvd, Rm 424 Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA Comentario sobre: Schlüer AB, Cignacco E, Müller M et al. The prevalence of pressure ulcers in four paediatric institutions. J Clin Nurs 2009;18:3244?52 [[CrossRef]][[Medline]]. Schlüer y cols realizaron un estudio multicántrico de prevalencia puntual sobre las úlceras por presión en pacientes pediátricos en las unidades de cuidados intensivos neonatales, en las plantas de medicina pediátrica y cirugía pediátrica y en entornos de rehabilitación ...