Music therapy as an indicator for quality of life improvement within active ageing

Section: Revisiones

How to quote

Sánchez Guio T, Barranco Obis P, Millán Vicente A, Formies Baquedano ME. La musicoterapia como indicador de mejora de la calidad de vida en un envejecimiento activo. Metas Enferm sep 2017; 20(7): 24-31.


Tania Sánchez Guio1, Patricia Barranco Obis2, Alberto Millán Vicente3, Mª Elena Fornies Baquedano4


1Máster de Enfermería de Urgencias, Emergencias y Transporte Sanitario. Máster Universitario en Gerontología Social. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de Zaragoza. Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet. Zaragoza 2Máster de Gerontología Social. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de Zaragoza. Centro de Rehabilitación psicosocial Nuestra Señora del Pilar. Zaragoza3Máster Universitario en Salud Pública. Facultad de Medicina de Zaragoza. Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet. Zaragoza4Máster Universitario en Iniciación a la Investigación en Ciencias de la Enfermería. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud de Zaragoza. Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet. Zaragoza

Contact address

Tania Sánchez Guio. Avda. de Cataluña, 88-esc. B, piso 4º, puerta 3ª. 50014 Zaragoza.

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Objective: to analyze the evidence available on the use of music therapy as an indicator for quality of life improvement in active ageing, with the aim to develop future specific intervention programs to promote health and achieve an adequate ageing and better quality of life.
Method: a narrative review was conducted in these databases: Pubmed, Cuiden Plus, BVS, SciELO and Dialnet. There was a selection of those studies which presented scientific evidence, and had been published in English, Portuguese, French or Spanish. The study included those articles that presented within their research objectives the analysis of the use of music therapy as an improvement in elderly people’s abilities to improve their quality of life and reach an active ageing; those samples taken always included >53-year-old subjects.
Results: nine studies were included for review. All articles mentioned the benefits of music therapy, though their effects differed. The main aspects improved were: reduction in agitation, stress and depression in patients with dementia, as well as encouraging relaxation and a positive emotional response; there was also an improvement in relaxation, communication, expression, affectivity and cognitive level, among others.
Conclusions: music therapy offers varied benefits for elderly people, because it improves their mood and reduces their anxiety, depression, stress and agitation, therefore providing an improvement in their quality of life.


music therapy; geriatrics; elderly people; music; active aging; active aging

Versión en Español


La musicoterapia como indicador de mejora de la calidad de vida en un envejecimiento activo

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