Contribution to the analysis of the 11th Iberoamerican Conference on Nursing Education, 3rd Latin America-Europe Meeting and 4th Research Symposium on

Section: Originals

How to quote

Cruz Mendes A, Vidinha T, Moniz P, Loureiro C. Contributos para a análise da XI Conferência Iberoamericana de Educação em Enfermagem, III Encontro Latinoamerica-Europa e IV Simposium de Investigação de Educação em Enfermagem. Rev. iberoam. Educ. investi. Enferm. 2012; 2(1):20-6.


1Aida Cruz Mendes, 2Telma Vidinha, 2Patricia Moniz, 3Cândida Loureiro


1Prof. Coordenadora, Enfermeira Especialista em Enfermagem de Saúde Mental e Psiquiatria, Mestr


The 11th ALADEFE Conference took place from September 19th to 23rd, in Coimbra, Portugal, and the program included presentations from invited speakers (seminars, conferences, courses, etc.), as well as free oral presentations.
Its assessment is presented so as to reach a clearer view of the whole – planning, performance and execution. The analysis focused on the information contained in the databases for the submission of oral presentations (1,975 submissions) and reviewers’ evaluations (3,950 evaluations), the evaluation sheets filled out by participants (201), as well as the questionnaires designed to record the execution of the different activities (179). Results show that this was a massive international event (1,703 participants), with researchers, educators and nurses from 36 different countries. Most presentations were related to nurses’ education, learning and lifelong training, followed by health promotion and health education. Overall, the organization and execution of the activities was assessed as being “very good”.


Assessment; Conference; nursing; research

Versión en Español


Contribuciones al análisis de la XI Conferencia Iberoamericana de Educación en Enfermería, III Encuentro Latinoamérica-Europa y IV Simposio de Investigación de Educación en Enfermería

Artículo completo no disponible en este idioma / Full article is not available in this language


  1. XI Conferência Iberoamericana de Educação em Enfermagem da ALADEFE e ao III Encontro Latinoamerica-Europa [evento na internet]. 2011, Setembro 19-23; Coimbra, Portugal [acesso em 21 de Novembro de 2011]. Disponível em: