

NOVIEMBRE 2004 N° 8 Volumen 2

Current situation of zoonosis in Spain



A. Toro Galán, Marisa Sedano Aguado, A. Rubio Ramírez, E. Postigo Calvo, J. Pérez Benito, M. Herraiz Llorente, P. Gueimunde Jérez, L. M. Gómez Garzón, C. Core Barrera


Estudiantes de 3º de Enfermería EUE “Puerta de Hierro”, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Contact address

C/Ramón Fernández-Guisasola, 7. 28100 Alcobendas, Madrid.

Contact email: Mariasedano78@hotmail.com


This article depicts an updated review of zoonosis and parasitosis which, given their epidemiologic importance, are of great public interest in Spain. Thus, we have diseases such as legionnaires disease, paludism, brucellosis, pediculosis capiti, hydatidosis, oxyurasis and trichinosis, with transmission characteristics, progress or evolution periods, and terminal stages that are detailed together with the pre and post exposure treatment received in each case.
Prevention and control measures common to all zoonosis are the research for improved diagnostic methods, the development of epidemiologic studies, early treatment and diagnosis, research of exposure or contact routes, transmission cycle and source of infection, and the interruption of the transmission cycle. Other measures also include the pharmacological therapy and the reporting to the appropriate authorities in cases of Diseases of Obligatory Reporting and Notification.
It is on these prevention measures of epidemiological control that the importance of this and future research articles lies.


trichinosis; legionnaire’s disease; oxyuros; paludism; brucellosis; pediculosis; hydatidosis; zoonosis; parasitosis; community nursingepidemiology

Versión en Español


Situación actual de las zoonosis en España