

OCTUBRE 2006 N° 8 Volumen 4

Problem-based learning. Reflexive analysis of its theoretical fundaments



Inmaculada López Martín


Diplomada en Enfermería y Licenciada en Humanidades. Profesora de Enfermería Comunitaria y Enfermería Geriátrica de la UEM.

Contact address

Universidad Europea de Madrid. Dpto. Enfermería. C/ Tajo, s/n. Urbanización "El Bosque", Villaviciosa de Odón (Madrid).

Contact email: inmaculada.lopez@uem.es


The analysis of the teaching and learning concepts and their synonyms constitute the start point to approach the new educational context in which the student goes from being a passive receiver of information to playing an active part in his/her learning process.

Active learning techniques of the portfolio type, reflexive diary, self-evaluating essays, elaboration of monographic works, problem-based learning, are in line with the approached previously mentioned and imply the search, selection and analysis of text materials. The fundament of all these techniques is the construction of knowledge on the part of the student by incorporating what he or she already knows with the orientations given by the educator.

Problem-based learning is defined as a teaching-learning strategy in which both the acquisition of knowledge as well as the development of skills and attitudes is important. The application of PBL in the scope of nursing knowledge enables the identification analysis and resolution of health problems in an effective, efficient and humane manner.

PBL is based on well differentiated theoretical trends that are closely related to the field of human learning. Group participation and teamwork leads to the appearance of collaborative experiential phenomena. The PBL group operates as an open system in which there is interaction among its members, with the educator and with the environment (systemic theory).

The approach to problems that reflect health-disease-situations that need to be resolved is complicated. It is thus necessary to look into these problems, not only under a humanistic perspective but from a complex view of everything that takes place around the human being (complexity theory). Resolving an unknown problem and confronting it means to accept the disarray, innovation, awareness of multiple paths or options to take, generating uncertainty. If the perception comes from incalculable options such perception generates chaos (chaos theory). Problem-based learning is one of those educational methods that makes students see the complexity of life and the genuineness of each situation the human being is faced with.


Problem-Based Learning (PBL); active educational methodologies; educational theoriespedagogical fundaments

Versión en Español


Aprendizaje basado en la solución de problemas. Análisis reflexivo de sus fundamentos teóricos