

OCTUBRE 2006 N° 8 Volumen 4

Descriptive and comparative study of the national health services of Spain and Slovakia



Alica Hanzeliková Pogrányiva


Alumna de 3º de Enfermería de la EUE de Toledo (UCLM).

Contact address

C/ Río Bullaque 22, dúplex, 2b. 45007 Toledo

Contact email: lan@alica.jazztel.es


The objective of this study is to compare the health services of two countries of the EU: Spain, a country, which according to the World Health Organisation (WHO) has the seventh best healthcare system in the entire world and third best in the EU, behind –and in this order- France, Italy, San Marino, Andorra, Malta and Singapore) and Slovakia, a new state that recently joined the EU, belonging to the former Eastern Europan countries block, an unknown country for the majority of people, both economically and socially.

In its community action programme on Public Health 2001-1006, the European Union has recommended that member states give priority to the elimination of healthcare inequalities to access existing healthcare services, reducing the risk for the population and bringing the level of service quality of the less privileged countries to the same standards found within the EU.

These recommendations have motivated us to conduct this comparative and descriptive study between the Spanish national health system and the Slovakian national health in which we will attempt to determine the main characteristics, the differential variables as well as similarities between both these national health services.



Spain; Slovakia; national heath system; differencessimilarities

Versión en Español


Estudio descriptivo y comparativo de los sistemas sanitarios de España y Eslovaquia