Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

NOVIEMBRE 2007 N° 9 Volumen 10

Vacuum blood extraction and non-re-utilisation of probe collector trays

Section: Hands on

How to quote

Forcada Segarra JA, Casanova Vivas S. Extracción de sangre en vacío y no reutilización de porta-tubos. Metas de Enferm nov 2007; 10(9): 50-54


José Antonio Forcada Segarra, Sonia Casanova Vivas


Grupo de Trabajo en Riesgo Biológico. Consejo de Enfermería de la Comunidad Valenciana.

Contact address

C/ Madre Vedruna, 21-31D. 18003 Castellón.

Contact email: pepeforcada@hotmail.com


The use of vacuum blood extraction systems equipped with a biological safety device is the safest and highest quality method for extracting venous blood. The usefulness of probe collector trays for blood transport is provided by the protection given to the professional against accidental puncture with the insertion needle into the catheter, the chance of blood splashes, both during the insertion as well as the withdrawal of the needle from the catheter and a perfect centering mechanism for the insertion of the needle on the rubber tap of the catheter, allowing a precise vacuum technique. The two main problems of vacuum blood extraction and the re-utilisation of the probe collector tray are the risk of exposure and accidental puncture when separating the needle/butterfly needle from the probe collector and cross-contamination and nosocomial infection for the patient. It has been demonstrated that extensive procedures are needed to effectively handle probe collector trays destined to multiple re-utilisation.
This papers is intended to review the norms and regulation relating to occupational exposure to blood pathogens, to remind the professional of the risks of cross contamination, to disseminate some aspects of the Pilot Project of the Biological Risk Prevention Program developed by the Comunidad Valenciana and to establish some recommendations in terms of prevention associated to this procedure.


vacuum blood extraction; probe collector tray; biological risk; nosocomial infectioncross- infection

Versión en Español


Extracción de sangre en vacío y no reutilización de porta-tubos