Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

MARZO 1999 N° 13 Volumen 2

Access routes for enteral nutrition

Section: Featured Articles


Mª Elena Félix Villar


Diplomada en Enfermería. Enfermera de Cuidados Intensivos de la A.V.I., Hospital Clínico de Barcelona.

Contact address

C/ Martí y Molins, 64-68, Atº 1ª. 08027 Barcelona.


Good nutrition is important not only for carrying out daily activities but also for fighting against diseases. In some patients normal feeding by mouth is not possible or insufficient. In theses cases, enteral nutrition becames necessary. The choice of the technique for performing this treatment is largely responsible for the success of nutrition therapy. Therefor, the appropriate route for obtaining access to the digestive tract is of great importance, both in regards to the prevention of possible complications and also to physical and psychological tolerance of patients.

The most commonly used routes of enteral nutrition have here in reviewed.


enteral nutrition; enteral access; nasoenteric tube; enterostomypercutaneus endoscopic gastrotomy

Versión en Español


Vías de acceso para nutrición enteral