Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

JUNIO 1999 N° 16 Volumen 2

Treatment of burns of second degree superficial and deep with hydrocolloid dressings in Primary Care

Section: Originals


Nuria Casamada Humet


Diplomada Universitaria en Enfermería.

Contact address

ABS Vallirana - Centro de AtenciónPrimaria (CAP). 08758 Cervelló, Barcelona.


Objectives: To describe the therapeutic effect of hydrocolloid dressings (Varihesive® Gel Control and Varihesive® Extra Fino) inthermic and friction burns of 2nd degree, superficial and deep with an extension less to 10% in primary care.

Methods: Descriptive, retrospective, unicentric and transversal study of 43 patients with a mean age of 31,68 years, being 18 men and 25 women.

Results: In the case of thermic burns, the mean time of the use of antiseptic pomade was 2,5 days (DE: 1,9). The mean dressing weartime was 3, being 3 (DE: 1,42) the mean of dressing changes. The mean time of healing was 11,7 days (DE: 4,33).

In the case of friction burns, the mean time of the use of antiseptic pomade was 2,92 days (DE: 1,8). The mean dressing wear time was 2,66, being 3,46 (DE: 2,10) the mean of dressing changes. The mean healing time was 12,1 days (DE: 6,28).

Conclusion: The use of hydrocolloid dressings in the treatment of minor burns, gives comfortableness and life quality to the patient,reducing the mean healing time and giving the possibility of  every 2-3 days with the consequent reduction of the cost of the treatment.


burnshydrocolloid dressings

Versión en Español


Tratamiento de las quemaduras de segundo grado superficiales y profundas con apósitos hidrocoloides en Atención Primaria