Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

OCTUBRE 1999 N° 19 Volumen 2

Opinion on the report of professional nursing discharge

Section: Hands on


1Sara Darias Curvo, 2Milagros Leal Felipe, 2Mª Mercedes Arias Hernández, 2Julián Cabrera Figueroa, 3Montserrat Alonso Díaz


1D.U.E. Profesor Titular E. U. Enfermería y Fisioterapia de La Laguna.2D.U.E. Profesora/or Asociada/o E. U. Enfermería y Fisioterapia de La Laguna.3D.U.E. Enfermera Hospital San Juan de Dios. Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Contact address

Universidad de La Laguna.Campus de Ofra, s/n. 38071 La Laguna, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canarias.

Contact email: sadacur@ull.es


Nursing at the end of the XXth century is characterized by providing services of the health promotion, disease preventionand rehabilitation of the individual, the family and the community.

This wide working field has created a need to elaborate a communication instrument capable of acting as a linking agent among different assistential levels. This favors on the one hand, the continuation of Nursing care and, on the other,allows the possibility of providing health education to the individual and his environment.

The present study was initiated in 1988 in the island of Tenerife, and here are given the corresponding results to a first step in the research with a view of spanding and deepening it.


nursing reference; comunication; Primary Careassistential level

Versión en Español


Opinión de los profesionales sobre el informe del alta de enfermería