Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

OCTUBRE 1999 N° 19 Volumen 2

To grow older and health: the role of the family and institutions

Section: Health and quality of life


Agustina Ciudad Jiménez


Enfermera de la Unidad de Reanimación del Hospital Universitario “Clínica Puerta de Hierro”. Doctora en Sociología.

Contact address

Unidad de Reanimación del Hospital Universitario “Clínica Puerta de Hierro”.C/ San Martín de Porres, nº 4. 28035 Madrid.


Nowadays a strong discussion is taking place about how to monitor health expenses and about the responsability of the Statein health care.

An analysis of the social group consisting of people over 65 is shown in this article, taking into account that this group is putting great pressure on the health budget given its condition of mayor customers.

Such a group has also been growing larger Western societies due totheir social and economic development and science achievements.

The risen questions are whether the State or the family ought to take care of ill or handicapped old people and, therefore, who is going to be enrolled as main care provider. Women seem to play an important role in this matter because of two reasons: ascustomers of welfare and health services and as family healthwatcher.


to grow older; family; nursing homescare provider

Versión en Español


Envejecimiento y salud: el papel de la familia y las instituciones