Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

MAYO 2000 N° 25 Volumen 3

New technologies for nursing training

Section: Teaching


1Mª Teresa Romá Ferri, 2Mª Flores Vizcaya Moreno


1Diplomada en Enfermería. Profesora Titular de Escuela. Universitaria. Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad de Alicante. 2Diplomada en Enfermería. Profesora Ayudante. Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad de Alicante.

Contact address

Dto. de Enfermería. Universidad de Alicante. 03011 Alicante.

Contact email: Ferri@enfe.va.es


One of principal ideas that are being disseminated in educative and socil forumsand mass media, is that Information and Communication New Technology (ICNT)offers a multidimensional capacity for training and learning. Among the differentpossibilities of ICNT use in education field, we have concentrate on universitytraining for nursing professionals. Many authors and nursing literature advocate afuture where the new trchnologies will be the principal system of information andcommunication distribution, in and among Health Institutions. ICNT use bynursing professionals could be the way for improvemeny nursing quality care andgraduate-postgraduate nursing training. It stands to reason that nurses could doa satisfactory use of these resources, only if they learn how to use them duringtheir formation.


nursing; Information and Communication New Technologyeducation

Versión en Español


Nuevas tecnologías en la información de profesionales de Enfermería