Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

SEPTIEMBRE 2000 N° 28 Volumen 3

Premenstrual Tension Syndrome

Section: Cover story


1María del Carmen Rojo Pascual, 2Mª Ángeles Ferrer Pascual, 3Mª Carmen Ruiz Gómez, 4C. Marco Sanjuan


1Matrona. Profesora de Enfermería Maternal. EUE de Soria. 2Enfermera. Profesora de Educación para la Salud. EUE de Soria. 3Enfermera. Profesora de Fundamentos de Enfermería. EUE de Soria. 4Médico. Profesor de Psicología. E.U. de Fisioterapia. Soria.

Contact address

Escuela Universitaria deEnfermería de Soria. Carretera de Logroño s/n. 42003 Soria.

Contact email: mcrojop41@smail1.ocenf.org


Nurses as educators and managers of preventive care, havea critical role in the attention to women who suffer thePremenstrual Tension Syndrome.

This paper shows a guide that can be used by professionalnurses to identify the syndrome in women and to improve theirwell-being.

Although it seems to be a multifactorial complex, the etiologyis not clear so far and the medical treatment is just symptomaticbut not definitive in its solution. Thus, we propose a battery ofnursing interventions to enhance self- esteem and self-confidence that can be summarized as follow:

- Decreasing daily stress.
- Knowing the syndrome symptomatology what would allowthem both to prevent and to attenuate the symptoms.
- Implicating the family as a support in the development of physical, emotional and social well-being.


premenstrual syndrome; nursing care; health education; premenstrual syndrome; nursing carehealth education

Versión en Español


Síndrome de Tensión Premenstrual