Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

OCTUBRE 2000 N° 29 Volumen 3

Present situation and future of  NANDA’s diagnoses taxonomy: Interview with Dr Dorothy Jones

Section: Cover story


Ana Mª Giménez Maroto


Subdirectora de Metas de Enfermería. Profesora de Enfermería Médico-Quirúrgica de la EUE Puerta de Hierro. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Contact address

E.U.E. Puerta de Hierro. C/ San Martín de Porres, 4. 28035 Madrid.


Through the interview with Dr. Jones, President of NANDAuntil last April, this article shows a review of this associationefforts to disclose and make more visible the nursingdiagnoses taxonomy. It points out the most importantmeetings where the association has gave testimony, thecollaboration with the center of nursing language of Iowa, aswell as the changes of their main communication media: theNursing Diagnoses journal and the development of a NANDAweb site.

The current situation of the taxonomy, the evolution totaxonomy II and the modifications on the structure that thenew version contents are analyzed.

Finally, some of the common difficulties when using thenursing language classifications from a conceptual nursingpractice perspective are discussed.


NANDA; nursing diagnosesnursing language

Versión en Español


Situación actual y futuro de la taxonomía diagnóstica de NANDA: Entrevista con la Dra. Dorothy Jones