Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

NOVIEMBRE 2000 N° 30 Volumen 3

Anthropologic study about cares in the family setting

Section: Health and quality of life


Ana Mª Millán Soria, Sara García Aguado, Marta Cabañas Gómez


Diplomadas en Enfermería.

Contact address

C/ Oltá nº 7, pta. 14 . 46006 Valencia.


Introduction: Starting in the theoreticals basic concepts in which M.Leininger told the cares, the knowledge of the social structure isindispensable to offer right professional cares adequate to themulticultural diversity when we are entering into a new millennium.

Objective: to descriptive the characteristics, uses and our days family’scostumes related with the health cares.

Material and methods: a transversal descriptive study was done; asample of 1200 persons was selected, between people who are livingin the Area of Valencia, whose ages were between 25 – 65 years old,and that formed a domestic nucleus. The quiz was formed by 98questions, estructurated in different parts.

The most relevant results were: the 21,75% of the persons who madethe quiz taken painkillers without a medical prescription. About healthconcept, the 37,16% thought on a physical, social and psychicalwelfare. The 57,6% went to the doctor when they felt sick. The70,25% asked the chemist for finding the solution for light illnesses.

Concluding that, the anthropologic family study like a social makerwould do more easy for us the way to the comprehension of the caresin the different cultures.


domestic nucleus; health caresinterculturality

Versión en Español


Estudio antropológico sobre los cuidados en el ámbito familiar