Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

JULIO 2001 N° 37 Volumen 4

Nursing care during ventilatory weaning process

Section: Featured Articles

How to quote

Ciudad A et al. Cuidados enfermeros en el proceso de destete del ventilador. Metas de Enfermería jul/ago 2001; 4(6): 36-41


1Agustina Ciudad Jiménez, 2Ana Mª Giménez Maroto, 1Inés Fernández-Reyes, 2Pilar Serrano, 1Mª Rosa García, 2Marilia Nicolás


1Enfermera asistencial. Área de Cuidados Críticos. Hospital "Clínica Puerta de Hierro", Madrid. 2Profesora EUE "Puerta de Hierro", Madrid.

Contact address

Hospital Universitario Clínica Puerta de Hierro. C/ San Martín de Porres, 4. 28035 Madrid.


Mechanical ventilation is a common therapy for critical patients because gives the possibility to maintain the ventilation and oxygenation needed for the rest of vital functions. When it is used over a long period of time may results in a dependency condition for the patient. The ventilatory weaning process is how clinically it is known the gradual decreasing of ventilatory support which pursues the patient’s recover of independence to breath spontaneously. A review of nursing care during this process is presented. The nursing treatment approach includes interventions to collaborate in the decision about when to start the weaning and interventions to facilitate the patients achieves a success results in the minimum time.


mechanical ventilation; ventilatory weaning; nursing interventionsweaning methods

Versión en Español


Cuidados enfermeros en el proceso de destete del ventilador