Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

JULIO 2001 N° 37 Volumen 4

The nursing role in the primary healthcare team: opinions and expectations of the professionals that make up the team

Section: Healthcare Management

How to quote

Castel S et al. El rol enfermero en el Equipo de Atención Primaria: opiniones y expectativas de los profesionales de equipo. Metas de Enfermería jul/ago 2001; 4(6): 30-35


Sandra Castel Simón1, Mónica Viñas Maestre2


Enfermera. Clínica Sagrada Familia1, Enfermera. Hospital San Pablo. Barcelona.2

Contact address

C/ Buigas 28, 1º-1ª. 08017 Barcelona


A study has been carried out on the nursing role in the primary healthcare team (PHYT in several health centres, with the aim of finding out the opinions and expectations of the nursing professionals and team members. This is a qualitative study, in which the technique of focal group has been used a technique that consists of brining together a small number of people to gather information. After the literature search and data collection, the analysis was performed, in which the material was divided into segments and categories were created to present the results according to each group of professionals.

The following conclusions were drawn, with emphasis placed on the results so that the different opinions offered by the professionals could be evaluated; the lack of definition within the pht due to lack of clarification of functions, a large degree of heterogeneity in the nursing collective, making an equilibrated development of the profession difficult and the identification of the nursing consultations as the means by which the autonomous role could most strongly be developed.


Nursing role; Primary healthcare; Qualitative analysis; Focal group

Versión en Español


El rol enfermero en el Equipo de Atención Primaria: opiniones y expectativas de los profesionales de equipo