Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

ABRIL 2002 N° 44 Volumen 5

Pulmonary artery catheter

Section: Hands on

How to quote

García-Velasco S, Sánchez MD. Catéter de arteria pulmonar. Metas de Enfermería abr 2002; 5(3): 60-65


Santiago García-Velasco Sánchez-Morago, Mª Dolores Sánchez Coello


Enfermeros asistenciales del Servicio de Medicina Intensiva. Hospital de Alarcos. Ciudad Real.

Contact address

C/ Capellán Marcelo Colino, 3, puerta 14. 13002 Ciudad Real

Contact email: santgarc@arrakis.es


The purpose of the article is to show nurses the most relevant aspects involved in lung pressure monitoring and cardiac output measurement using the Swan-Ganz catheter, an important control and diagnosis tool in critically-ill patients with haemodynamic problems.

These techniques are intended for use at bedside in especially dedicated services such as cardiac catheterization labs, operating rooms, and other specialized critical care units.


Swan-Ganz catheter; cardiac monitoring; capillary lung pressure; cardiac output

Versión en Español


Catéter de arteria pulmonar