Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

JULIO 2002 N° 47 Volumen 5

Impact and reaction of the nursing staff after introducing a computerised patient programming system or patient registry

Section: Healthcare Management

How to quote

Burguete MD, Velasco J. Impacto y respuesta del personal de Enfermería ante la implantación de un sistema informático. Metas de Enfermería jul/ago 2002; 5(6): 22-25


1Mª Dolores Burguete Ramos, 2Javier Velasco Laiseca


1Diplomada en Enfermería. Unidad de Docencia y Formación Continuada. Hospital Universitario La Fe. 2Psicólogo. EUE. Hospital Universitario La Fe.

Contact address

Avda. de Campanar, 21. 46009 Valencia.


Introduction: Organizational changes in companies have to be planned in order to achieve the maximum effectiveness.
Objective: To describe the implications and problems found by the nursing staff from various departments when the traditional system of register was replaced by a computerized notebook.
Methodology: Qualitative methodology through the Nominal Group.
Outcomes: Advantages: Greater speed to obtain information, faster search for number and location of case-history, faster appointment making, and more autonomy. Disadvantages: Lack of specific computer personnel, lack of previous computer knowledge, slowness of the computer programs, system failures, and does not to reveal specific nursing work.
Conclusions: Computerization is, nowadays, one of the most common changes in companies. If we want to implement this computerization in an effective way, while maximizing its effectiveness and minimizing costs, we have to design specific training strategies aimed at specific needs and different levels in accord with the different people involved.


change; planning; computerization; trainingnominal group

Versión en Español


Impacto y respuesta del personal de Enfermería ante la implantación de un sistema informático