Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

OCTUBRE 2002 N° 49 Volumen 5

Nursing perspectives about the intimity to the emergency prehospitalisation care

Section: Ethics and Society

How to quote

Jiménez MF, Nogués C. Perspectiva enfermera sobre la intimidad en la asistencia prehospitalaria urgente. Metas de Enfermería oct 2002; 5(8): 06-09


María Francisca Jiménez Herrera1, Carmen Nogués Domingo2


Diplomada en Enfermería. Licenciada en Antropología. Profesora asociada del Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad Rovira i Virg

Contact address

Avda. de Roma, 15. 43005 Tarragona

Contact email: fprieto@tinet.fut.es


Every human being has the right to preserve his/her intimity and information confidentiality which health professionals must protect in every aspect of their work including emergency pre-hospitalisation care, when the situations that arise are intrinsically more vulnerable regarding those rights. Reflexion around those aspects help us to strengen the situations and to avoid fissures which ensures an appropriate care both from the caring and ethical perspectives.


Emergency pre-hospitalisation care; trafic?s accident; intimity; confidentiality; right; ethical perspectives; care; nursing

Versión en Español


Perspectiva enfermera sobre la intimidad en la asistencia prehospitalaria urgente