Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

OCTUBRE 2002 N° 49 Volumen 5

The environment and the nursing discipline

Section: Aula Abierta

How to quote

Escuredo B. Medio ambiente y disciplina enfermera. Metas de Enfermería oct 2002; 5(8): 55-58


Bibiana Escuredo Rodríguez


Diplomada en Enfermería. Licenciada en Antropología. Master en Salud Pública. Responsable del Área Docente de Enfermer&iac

Contact address

Escuela Universitaria de Enfermería de Sant Pau. C/ Sant Antoni María Claret, 167. 08025 Barcelona

Contact email: bescuredo@hsp.santpau.es


Concern regarding our environment as an element that favours the preservation and recovery of health, has remained constant throughout the history of nursing. This fact can be proven if the different paradigms to which the nursing practice has subscribed are analysed and the main theoretical models of the profession are observed, which, apart from the concepts of care, person, and health, always include the concept of the surroundings. There is increasing evidence supporting the notion that the existing relation between the quality in the environment and people’s health. The community and health organisations such as for instance the World Health Organisation (WHO) have recognised this concern and have included as part of their policy specific objectives regarding this issue, as stated in health documents for the year 2000 and for the entire XXI century. The WHO has recommended a change in orientation to be implemented by healthcare systems, preaching that these be based, above all, on the promotion of health and on the prevention of disease, instead of cure as previously done. This represents a change in the traditional roles of healthcare professionals and, particularly, in the nursing field, to whom special recognition has to be given. The role of the nurse regarding this subject has consisted in adapting the environmental elements that were less favourable, potentiating the favourable ones, and controlling those elements that were hostile. At present, a decision has to be taken as to which work lines or performance guidelines ought to be followed, taking into account that individual participation is one of the essential elements.


Nursing discipline; Community Nursing; environment; health education

Versión en Español


Medio ambiente y disciplina enfermera