Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

ABRIL 2003 N° 54 Volumen 6

Non-pharmacological treatment of dementia

Section: Featured Articles

How to quote

Ibáñez V. Tratamiento no farmacológico de las demencias. Metas de Enfermería abr 2003; 6(3): 07-12


Vanessa Ibáñez del Valle


Diplomada en Enfermería. Servicio de Medicina Interna Hospital Arnau de Villanova.

Contact address

C/ Fray Pedro Ponce de León, 7,6, Esc. B. 46006 Valencia.

Contact email: vaidelva35@hotmail.com


This paper presents an overview of the non-pharmacological treatment of dementia. All available alternative treatments are introduced and compared in an attempt to establish the strongest and weakest points for each of them. Furthermore, in order to teach the patient to learn to live with dementia, a set of patterns to modify some behavioural patterns in his or her usual setting are proposed.


non-pharmacological treatments; dementia; neuropsychology; Alzheimer's disease; mild therapies; basic needsagitation

Versión en Español


Tratamiento no farmacológico de las demencias