Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

JUNIO 2003 N° 56 Volumen 6

Treatment of heel pressure sores. Clinical performance of a new adhesive dressing

Section: Estudios del Sector


Luis José Vigil-Escalera Quintanal


Enfermero del Centro de Salud "Laviana", Asturias.

Contact address

Centro de Salud de Laviana. C/ Arturo León, 1.33980 Laviana, Asturias


In general terms, pressure sores, and specifically those allocated in the heel, are a severe sanitary problem that affects the person in a physical, psychological and social way and limit to a great extent the patient’s daily activities.

This multicenter, open and prospective study was carried out in order toevaluate the efficiency and performance of the new Biatainheel dressing in162 heel pressure sores.

The results obtained confirm the efficiency of Biatain heel dressing and theneed of an adhesive dressing for the treatment and prevention of heel in-jures.


wound healing; pressure sores; heel ulcers; foam dressingsdailylife activities

Versión en Español


Tratamiento de úlceras por presión en los talones. Comportamiento clínico de un nuevo apósito adhesivo