Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

SEPTIEMBRE 2003 N° 58 Volumen 6

How to cure a venous ulcer using multilayer compressive therapy

Section: Hands on

How to quote

Rodríguez G. Cura de una úlcera venosa con terapia compresiva multicapa. Metas de Enfermería sep 2003; 6(7): 12-18


Genoveva Rodríguez Illescas


Diplomada en Enfermería. Centro de Salud de la Nucía (Alicante).

Contact address

Centro de Salud de la Nucía. Avda. Porvilla s/n. 03530 Alicante.


The management of a venous ulcer can be a discouraging process that leads to an uncomfortable situation for the patient and represents a challenge for the healthcare professionals, whom despite having a wide range of medications to use, do not always achieve the healing of the site in the most desirable manner. The Primary Care Nurse participates in the decisions of the most appropriate therapeutical plan in each particular situation and helps the affected person to follow the therapy. The aim of this work is to present a clinical case involving a lady with a venous ulcer, torpid and refractory to several treatment courses that healed using a compressive bandage system formed by five layers, aided with a nursing care plan for the control of factors associated with chronic venous insufficiency. This treatment option resulted in a fast cicatrisation and healing of the ulcer and it was more cost-effective and less costly than other treatments, achieving a remarkable recovery of the quality of life enjoyed by the patient.


chronic venous insufficiency; venous ulcer; multilayer compressive therapytreatment of venous insufficiency

Versión en Español


Cura de una úlcera venosa con terapia compresiva multicapa