Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

DICIEMBRE 2003 N° 61 Volumen 6

Prevention of post lumbar puncture headache in Spain

Section: Cover story

How to quote

Manso JM, Beser E, Fresno MA, Mesa CA, Molina C. Prevención de la cefalea postpunción lumbar en España. Metas de Enfermería dic 2000/ene 2004; 6(10): 25-28


1Juan Mariano Manso Rodríguez, 2Esmeralda Beser Aguilar, 2Manuel Ángel Fresno Pintado, 2Carlos Alberto Mesa Pérez, 2Carmen Molina de Burgos


1Enfermero. Supervisor de Neurología. Hospital Universitario Ntra. Sra. de la Candelaria. Santa Cruz de Tenerife. 2Enfermero/a. Servicio de Neurología. Hospital Universitario Ntra. Sra. de la Candelaria. Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Contact address

Hospital Universitario Ntra. Sra. de la Candelaria. Supervisor de la unidad ESO6 (Neurología). Ctra. del Rosario, s/n. 38010 Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Contact email: carlosmesa@eresmas.com


Objective: To retrieve information on just how well this "ideal system to prevent post-lumbar puncture headache (PPLH) is being followed, as well as the recommendations for the treatment of the condition in the Neurology Units throughout Spanish hospitals.

Material and methods: Cross-sectional descriptive analysis based on a self-elaborated survey focusing on preventive measures and treatment of PPLH sent to 45 medical centres selected by randomised sampling; for the calculation of the sample size an _ error = 0.05, a _ error = 0.14 was assumed. 80% of the departments of neurology indicated Bed Rest (BR) as prevention of PPLH and used bevelled needles to carry out the techniques.

Results: 97%of the services recommended BR for prevention of PPLH. All the services performed lumbar punctures using a bevelled conventional needle. Approximately, 95% of the surveyed centres chose calibres of 22 to 20 Gauge. After LP, 86% of the centres recommended an increase in the intake of fluids.

Conclusions: The results indicate that the use of a conic needle (atraumatic) is nil, as is the generalised recommendation of BR which has been shown to be rather ineffective for the last ten years.


headache; post-lumbar puncture; bed rest; atraumatic needlebevelled needle

Versión en Español


Prevención de la cefalea postpunción lumbar en España