Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

MARZO 2004 N° 2 Volumen 7

Deficits in the formulation of research problems in allied health

Section: Teaching

How to quote

Silva LC. Deficiencias en la formulación de problemas de investigación en ciencias de la salud. Metas de Enfermería mar 2004; 7(2): 51-55


Luis Carlos Silva Ayçaguer


Investigador Titular. Vicerrectoría de Investigaciones y Postgrado, Instituto Superior de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana (ISCM/H).

Contact address

ISCM/H. Edificio Ramón Paz, 6º piso, C/ G y 25, Municipio Plaza, Ciudad de La Habana (Cuba).

Contact email: lcsilva@infomed.sld.cu


Several fundamental difficulties to be resolved when faced with an important step in the process of scientific research, which is the formulation of the problem, are discussed. The following problems are analyzed and illustrated: absence of theoretical basis and associated ethical problems, no delimitation of the real contribution that the solution of the problem represents, lack of specificity, ambiguity in the formulation, confusion concerning the problem and its appropriate resolution method, and non-critical formulation of the problem.


research; formulation; research problemhypothesis

Versión en Español


Deficiencias en la formulación de problemas de investigación en ciencias de la salud