Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

JULIO 2004 N° 6 Volumen 7

Quality of life in oncological teminally ill patients: Domiciliary Care vs Hospital Care

Section: Health and quality of life

How to quote

Alonso C, Díaz I, Fernández C. Calidad de vida en pacientes terminales oncológicos: Atención Domiciliaria vs Atención Hospitalaria. Metas de Enfermería jul/ago 2004; 7(6): 50-55


Cristina Alonso Blanco1, Isabel Díaz Caro2, César Fernández de las Peñas3


Fisioterapeuta y Diplomada en Enfermería1, Diplomada en Enfermería. Profesora asociada de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Uni

Contact address

Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud. Avda. de Atenas, s/n. 28922 Alcorcón, Madrid

Contact email: macrisalonso@yahoo.es


Objective: to analyse and evaluate the therapeutic impact on the quality of life in terminal patients receiving domiciliary care or admitted to hospital units, establishing the level of quality with the subjective control of the symptoms. Material and methods: a cross sectional analytical study was carried out. 67 subjects were selected (33 were in the domiciliary Palliative Care programme and in the 8th Health District of Madrid and 34 were admitted in the Palliative Care Unit of the Gregorio Marañón hospital in Madrid. For the collection of data, the self administered EORT-QLQ C30 of Quality of Life questionnaire was used. For the processing of the data, indexes of descriptive statistics were utilised; the non-parametric hypotheses contrast tests were used for the inferential analysis. Results: 40 oncological patients were studied. The results showed a higher quality of life in those patients cared for at their home, with a score of 3.2 vs 3 for those cared for at the hospital (p=0.03). The social dimension was the only area in which significant differences were found between both groups. Conclusion: oncological patients that are cared for at their home show a better perception of their quality of life than terminal patients that are hospitalised.


quality of life; terminal illness; palliative care

Versión en Español


Calidad de vida en pacientes terminales oncológicos: Atención Domiciliaria vs Atención Hospitalaria