Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

SEPTIEMBRE 2004 N° 7 Volumen 7

Tea, Camelia Sinensis or Thea Sinensis

Section: Medicinal herbs

How to quote

Serrano A. El té, Camelia Sinensis o Thea Sinensis. Metas de Enfermería sep 2004; 7(7): 23-24


Alfredo Serrano Ruiz


Diplomado en Enfermería.

Contact address

Servicio de Farmacología Clínica. Hospital Puerta de Hierro. C/San Martín de Porres, 4. 28035 Madrid.

Contact email: aserrano.hpth@salud.madrid.org


After water, the most popular drink in the entire world is tea, possibly because of all the numerous therapeutic effects that have been attributed to it in all cultures throughout history. Tea is used in the treatment of diseases as diverse as cardiovascular conditions, certain types of cancer, dental decay, bone decalcification, cognitive alterations such as Alzheimer’s, alterations in iron metabolism or renal lithiasis. Data derived from studies on tea to verify these multiple properties are not sufficient to confirm any of these reliably. There are no publications that assess the effective dose, the safety or possible interactions of tea with other drugs, data that are essential to register and market any product of therapeutic use.


medicinal herbs; tea; pharmacologrevision

Versión en Español


El té, Camelia Sinensis o Thea Sinensis