Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

NOVIEMBRE 2004 N° 9 Volumen 7

Training plan prior to the establishment of computerised registries

Section: Healthcare Management

How to quote

Flores E et al. Plan de formación previo a la implantación de registros informatizados. Metas de Enfermería nov 2004;7(9):06-10


1Emma Flores Boixader, 2Purificación Álvarez Martínez, 3Mónica Velasco Pastor, 4Sandra Arco Rodríguez, 5Carmen Bulto Serra, 6Josep Serrat Tarrés


1Diplomada en Enfermería ABS Morera-Pomar.2Diplomada en Enfermería ABS Apenins-Montigalà.3Diplomada en Enfermería ABS Mongat-Tiana.4Coordinadora de enfermería ABS Apenins-Montigalà.5Diplomada en Enfermería ABS Morera-Pomar.6Director asistencial de BGA.

Contact address

C/Pere III, 1-7. 08915 Barcelona.

Contact email: eflores@bsa.gs


The theory that defines the process of Nursing Care is currently well defined, although its practical application in Primary Care is not sufficiently known. We will now proceed to define the process of changing the care model. We start off from a poorly structured heterogenic model, and few activity registries of that same activity. We intend to get a structured care model (evaluation, diagnosis, activity planning, determination of goals and the means to accomplish them) that is available to all the cared population and complemented with a computerised registry system integrated in the user’s Clinical History. The process of changing has been supervised by a commission comprised of nursing professionals and the care management department of the organization. After analysing the expectations and level of knowledge of the nursing sector, a training plan (pdf) will be implemented in order to solve the emotional, theoretical and practical aspects of such change. Finally, the evaluation results of the Pdf and the future prospects will be presented and analysed.



nursing care process; Primary Care; computerised registry systemclinical record

Versión en Español


Plan de formación previo a la implantación de registros informatizados