Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

JUNIO 2005 N° 5 Volumen 8

Standardised nursing care plan for out-patient postoperative perianal surgery

Section: Method

How to quote

Celma Vicente M, Guirado Olmo C, Alcalá Peñas S, Marfil Ruiz R. Plan de cuidados estandarizado para el postoperatorio de cirugía perianal ambulatoria. Metas de Enferm jun 2005; 8(5): 65-71


Matilde Celma Vicente1, Carmen Guirado Olmo2, Sebastián Alcalá Peñas2, Remedios Marfil Ruiz2


Profesora de la EUE Virgen de las Nieves, Granada1, Enfermeros de consulta de Cirugía ambulatoria. Hospital S. Juan de Dios, Granada

Contact address

C/ Tercio, 23. 18014 Granada

Contact email: mailde.celma.sspa@juntadeandalucia.es


In out-patient care, the consideration of individual, social and family aspects of the patient acquires a special relevance because the process of convalescence has to be followed on an out-patient basis, hence making self-car even more necessary.
The purpose of this paper was to elaborate a consensuated nursing care plan for patients who had undergone dermoid cyst surgery during the first week after the intervention, following the V. Henderson´s nursing model and the nursing terminology of the NANDA, NIC and NOC taxonomies. The paper also identified possible structural problems and the difficulties that were encountered during their implementation.
Methodology: this study was carried out based on technological implantation and counted with the observation and participation of a group of experts (peer review). It was conducted in two phases: a) Elaboration phase of a standard plan, by consensus, based on the analysis of care plans carried out by student nurses and, b) pilot phase of the plan by applying such to 10 patients. Lastly, a nursing care plan adapted to the patient characteristics and the structure of the unit was elaborated.
Results: the utilisation of a nursing model as a framework for analysis and reflection has served as guidance in the taking of nursing decisions and in the classification of the different health problems of the patients. The taxonomies of the nursing language have been useful to designate the different areas of responsibility in the care and to clarify the results criteria in the patient.


Standardised care plan; surgical patient; major out-patient surgery; dermoid cyst; nursing model

Versión en Español


Plan de cuidados estandarizado para el postoperatorio de cirugía perianal ambulatoria