Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

SEPTIEMBRE 2005 N° 7 Volumen 8

Domestic violence, nursing approach

Section: Health and quality of life

How to quote

Liquete Briffel TM, Moyano Mora P, Martínez Laguna I, Fajardo Trujillo M, Domínguez Martínez A. Violencia doméstica, abordaje enfermero. Metas de Enferm sep 2005; 8(7): 10-16


Teresa Mónica Liquete Briffel, Paloma Moyano Mora, Irene Martínez Laguna, Miguel Fajardo Trujillo, Alberto Domínguez Martínez


Diplomada/o en Enfermería

Contact address

C/ Boltaña, 56. 28022 Madrid.

Contact email: monliquete@hotmail.com


Domestic violence is a subject of increasing public awareness, given high magnitude, both in morbidity as well as in mortality. Domestic violence represents a serious social and public health problem.
The approach given by the professional to this issue is of vital importance, mostly in Primary Care, as it is precisely in the primary care setting where early detection can be implemented.
The aim of this article is to present an epidemiological revision on domestic violence, as well as its associated factors and consequences for the health of the individuals involved. Some recommendations are also suggested, specially nursing recommendations, as well as preventive measures.


violence; maltreatment; abuse; woman; sexual abuse; psychological abuse; health educationprevention

Versión en Español


Violencia doméstica, abordaje enfermero