Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

SEPTIEMBRE 2005 N° 7 Volumen 8

The activating function of bioactive dressing with ionic charge on human fibroblasts

Section: Estudios del Sector

How to quote

Castellarnau C, Martí M, Marcos A, Casaroli-Marano R, reina M, Vilaró S. La función activadora de un apósito bioactivo con carga iónica sobre los fibroblastos humanos. Metas de Enferm sep 2005; 8(7): 50-54


1,2Conxita Castellarnau, 2Mercè Martín, 2Anna Marcos, 1,2Ricardo Casaroli-Marano, 1,2Manuel Reina, 1,2Senén Vilaró


1Advancell, SL. Parque Científico de Barcelona. Baldiri Reixac, Barcelona. 2Departamento de Biología Celular. Universidad de Barcelona.

Contact address

Departamento de Biología Celular. Universidad de Barcelona Avda. Diagonal, 645. 08028 Barcelona.

Contact email: svilaro@ub.edu


The healing of wounds is a complex process that involves different overlapping phases, including inflammation, epithelization, angiogenesis and the synthesis and deposition of extracellular matrix. Dermic fibroblasts play an essential role in the formation of granulated tissue. Dermic fibroblast migrate to the lesion in response to cytokines, proliferating and synthesising proteins of the extracellular matrix, which are the basis of future repair processes. Oligoelements such as zinc and manganese are necessary for many cells functions and, thus, can potentially stimulate the repair processes of wounds. In this study, we sought out to determine the effect of a dressing containing zinc, calcium and manganese (Trionic®) on the proliferation, growth, collagen I and III synthesis and the migration of fibroblasts. The results obtained indicate that soluble oligoelements that are present in Trionic® act by stimulating proliferation, growth, collagen biosynthesis and the migration of fibroblasts.
Given the key participation that these cell functions have on the
behaviour of fibroblasts during the process of granulated tissue, we conclude that ions Ca2+, Zn2+ and Mn2+ contained in Trionic® can provide potential benefits for the management of chronic wounds and during the reparative phase of the healing process.


Healing process; cell proliferation; cell migration; collagen; ions; zinc; manganese; calciumTrionic®

Versión en Español


La función activadora de un apósito bioactivo(1) con carga iónica sobre los fibroblastos humanos