Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

NOVIEMBRE 2005 N° 9 Volumen 8

How to get people to become blood donors

Section: Health and quality of life

How to quote

Díaz Gómez C. La captación de donantes de sangre. Metas de Enferm nov 2005; 8(9): 66-69


Celia Díaz Gómez


Diplomada en Enfermería. Banco de Sangre del Hospital Príncipe de Asturias de Alcalá de Henares (Madrid)

Contact address

C/ Siega, nº 39. 28891 Velilla de San Antonio, Madrid

Contact email: diazcelia@ozu.es


The use of the different components of human blood is one of the most widely used treatments nowadays. The basic management of many serious health situations such as bleeding, surgical procedures, dialysis, etc, is based on the replacement of blood or any of its components.
For this to be possible, people are required to be altruistic and to donate their blood, as it is the only way to obtain this substance. Thus, donor capture plays a determining role in the attainment of such objective and the nurse is one of the healthcare professionals responsible for the promotion of blood donation.
This article exposes the most frequent doubts of the population with regard to blood donations and lays out the basic information on the procedure. It also highlights the importance of motivation and the accessibility to increase the number of donors captured.


blood; donors; capture; haematology; health education

Versión en Español


La captación de donantes de sangre