Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

MAYO 2011 N° 4 Volumen 14

Psychoeducational approach to depression in Primary Care. The INDI model

Section: Hands on

How to quote

Aragonés Benaige E et ál. Abordaje psicoeducativo de la depresión en Atención Primaria. El modelo INDI. Metas de Enferm may 2011; 14(4): 62-67


1Enric Aragonés Benaige, 2Germán López Cortacans, 3Walesca Badia Rafecas, 4Josep LLuis Piñol Moreso, 5José María Hernández Anguera, 6Antonia Caballero Alías


1 Doctor en Medicina. Médico de Familia. Centro de Atención Primaria de Constante, Tarragona. Instituto Catalán de la Salud. 2Enfermero. Especialista en Salud Mental. Centro de Atención Primaria Salou, Tarragona. Instituto Catalán de la Salud. 3Enfermera. Centro de Atención Primaria Salou. 4Investigador. Centro de Atención Primaria San Pere, Reus. 5Médico de Atención Primaria. Centro de Salud Falset, Tarragona.6Médico de Familia, Centro de Atención Primaria Reus 4, Tarragona. Instituto Catalán de la Salud.

Contact address

Germán López Cortacans. Centro de Atención Primaria Salou. C/ Carriles, s/n. 43840 Tarragona.

Contact email: glopez.tarte.ics@gencat.cat


Depression is the most frequent and relevant mental disorder in Primary Care. However, there its management presents difficulties and the clinical outcomes obtained are often not satisfactory. Within the framework of the development of a multifactor model to improve depression outcomes in Primary Care (INDI project) a psychoeducational programme aimed at depressed patients, as well as their loved ones, has been designed. In the INDI model, the implementation of psychoeducational activities is managed primarily by the Primary Care nurse. The programme’s contents include educating on the disease itself with a special emphasis on fighting the stigma and prejudices attached to it and providing training on antidepressant treatment and the importance of treatment adherence, on the self-management of associated difficulties, as well as offering advice on the important role that the people close to the depressed patient can/should play.


antidepressant treatment; depression; mental disorder; Primary Carepsychoeducation

Versión en Español


Abordaje psicoeducativo de la depresión en Atención Primaria. El modelo INDI