Non-pharmacological interventions to reduce depression, overload and anxiety in caregivers for elderly persons with dementia: a meta-analysis
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Bonoso García RM, Del Pino Casado R. Intervenciones no farmacológicas para reducir la depresión, sobrecarga y ansiedad en personas cuidadoras de mayores con demencia: un metaanálisis. Metas Enferm mar 2018; 21(2):20-32.
Rosa Mª Bonoso García1, Rafael del Pino Casado2
1Enfermera. Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad de Jaén. Jaén2Doctor por la Universidad de Jaén. Departamento de Enfermería. Universidad de Jaén. Jaén
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Rafael del Pino Casado. C/ Ibáñez Marín, 5. 23740 Andújar (Jaén).
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Objective: to analyze the efficacy of non-pharmacological interventions targeted to a reduction in overload, anxiety and depression in caregivers for relatives with dementia.
Methodology: a systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials; a search in different databases (PubMed, Cinahl, Scopus, Cochrane, PsychInfo, Lilacs, IME and Cuiden Plus) up to February, 2017 (without any limitations by time or language), and in the bibliographic references of those articles retrieved. There was an assessment of educational, psycho-educational and therapy interventions regarding depression, overload and anxiety. Analysis was conducted through a meta-analysis of random effects with Cohen’s d as measure of combined effect. The Comprehensive Meta Analysis program, version 3.3.070, was used for calculations.
Results: there was a review of 613 studies, and 37 were included. A statistical negative association was found between psycho-educational interventions and depression, both at short term (d= -0.55) and at mid-long term (d= -0.24), and with overload at mid-long term (d= -0.17). At the same time, a statistical negative association was found between therapy and anxiety and depression, both at short term (d for depression= -2.59 and d for anxiety= -2.06) and at mid-long term (d for depression= -1.40 and d for anxiety = -2.34).
Conclusions: psychoeducational interventions will have a beneficial effect on the reduction of depression and overload at mid-long term. Therapy interventions have a beneficial effect on the reduction of anxiety and depression.
dementia; family/informal caregivers; intervention; random controlled clinical trial; depression; Overload; anxiety; educational intervention; psychoeducational intervention; psychological therapy; psychological therapy
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