Evaluation before and after the intervention on the knowledge by adolescents about sexually transmitted infections

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Raya Tena A, García Hernández D, Blázquez Gómez C, Martínez Blanco P, Tierz Bartolomé N, Fernández San Martín MI. Evaluación pre-post intervención de los conocimientos de infecciones de transmisión sexual en adolescentes. Metas Enferm feb 2019; 22(1):5-13.


Antonia Raya Tena1, David García Hernández2, Celia Blázquez Gómez3, Pelayo Martínez Blanco4, Natalia Tierz Bartolomé3, Mª Isabel Fernández San Martín5


1Máster en Salud Pública. Equipo de Atención Primaria Dr. Lluís Sayé. Instituto Catalán de la Salud. Gerencia Territorial de Barcelona 2Especialista en Medicina familiar y comunitaria. Equipo de Atención Primaria Dr. Lluís Sayé. Instituto Catalán de la Salud. Gerencia Territorial de Barcelona3Especialista en Enfermería familiar y comunitaria. Equipo de Atención Primaria Dr. Lluís Sayé. Instituto Catalán de la Salud. Gerencia Territorial de Barcelona4Residente de Medicina familiar y comunitaria. Equipo de Atención Primaria Dr. Lluís Sayé. Instituto Catalán de la Salud.Gerencia Territorial de Barcelona 5Doctora en Medicina preventiva y salud pública. Unidad docente Multidisciplinar de Barcelona ciudad. Instituto Catalán de la Salud. Gerencia Territorial de Barcelona

Contact address

Antonia Raya Tena. C/ Pujades, 218-220. 08005 Barcelona.

Contact email: arayat.bcn.ics@gencat.cat


Objective: to evaluate the impact of an intervention on the knowledge about sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and the healthcare services available among adolescents attending school in the Raval Nord neighborhood (Barcelona).
Method: a quasi-experimental study before and after the intervention in adolescents >14-year-old attending 3rd and 4th term of Secondary School and 1st and 2nd term of High School in three centres. Variables: sociodemographical, risk behaviours (11 items with answer through the 0-10 Likert Scale), use of condoms, initiation of sexual relationships, use of alcohol and other drugs, knowledge of healthcare services and of STIs. An intervention with three educational units: risk behaviours and ways of infection; symptoms, knowledge and treatment of STIs; use of healthcare services. Data treatment and analysis: Chi Square and Mann Whitney’s U for bivariate analysis with sociodemographical variables. Confidence intervals were calculated at 95% safety (CI95%).
Results: the study included 211 adolescents: 56.8% were female, with 15.4 years as mean age. Of these, 79.6% came from outside Europe, 30.3% had initiated sexual relationships, and 32.4% always used condoms; 61.0% of them never associated alcohol or other drugs with their relationship. HIV was the most widely known STI (59.8%). Men had a lower perception of risk than women. After the intervention, there was an increase in their overall perception of risk, as well as in their knowledge of healthcare services and STIs.
Conclusions: there is lack of knowledge among adolescents about STIs. After the intervention, there was an improvement in their knowledge of STIs and healthcare services, as well as in their perception of risk.


adolescents; sexually transmitted infections; Primary healthcare; Sexual Health; health education

Versión en Español


Evaluación pre-post intervención de los conocimientos de infecciones de transmisión sexual en adolescentes

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