Knowledge, attitudes and actions by Primary Care Nurses regarding the Human Papilloma Virus

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Sánchez-Molero Martín MP, Suárez-Bárcena González L, Lozano Suárez C, Romero Blanco C. Conocimientos, actitudes y acciones de las enfermeras de Atención Primaria ante la vacuna del virus del papiloma humano. Metas Enferm jul/ago 2019; 22(6):20-7.


Mª Prado Sánchez-Molero Martín1, Laura Suárez-Bárcena González2, César Lozano Suárez3, Cristina Romero Blanco4


1Especialista en Enfermería Pediátrica. Centro de salud Ciudad Real I. Servicio de Salud de Castilla-La Mancha. Ciudad Real2Especialista en Enfermería Familiar y Comunitaria. Hospital Universitario La Paz. Servicio Madrileño de Salud. Madrid3Médico Especialista de Familia. Centro de salud Ciudad Real I. Servicio de Salud de Castilla-La Mancha. Ciudad Real4Doctora por la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. Facultad de Enfermería de Ciudad Real. Ciudad Real

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Cristina Romero Blanco. C/ Madara, 18. 13250 Daimiel (Ciudad Real).

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Objective: to assess the knowledge, attitudes, and actions for recruitment and follow-up developed by Primary Care nurses in Ciudad Real in compliance with the complete vaccination against the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) in adolescents, and to determine any differences between Pediatric Nurses vs. Nurses for Adults or Mixed Care.
Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted on Nursing Professionals working at Primary Care Centers in Ciudad Real. A 22-item ad-hoc survey was administered, including sociodemographical variables, knowledge, attitudes, and actions for recruitment and follow-up developed by the nurses in compliance with the complete vaccination against the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) in adolescents. Descriptive analysis was conducted with the statistical program SPSS version 23.0.
Results: the study included 131 Primary Care (PC) nurses; 67% (n= 88) of PC professionals conducted an active recruitment for the HPV vaccine, even using some type of reminder; besides, they would recommend the vaccine more frequently to parents of male children (p= 0.025). Faced with parental refusal to vaccination, 73% (n= 96) explained the vaccination safety, and established a persuasive communication with 27% (n= 35), who only stated their negative for the record. Of all professionals, 96.2% (n= 126) did not receive any training by the institution where they conduct their activity in terms of the use of the HPV vaccine.
Conclusions: the professionals with more knowledge, more proactive, and who develop more strategies for the recruitment and follow-up of adolescents regarding HPV vaccination are Pediatric Nurses, vs. those who manage adult or mixed population.


vaccination; immunization programs; infection with the Human Papilloma Virus; nursing; Primary Care; Primary Care

Versión en Español


Conocimientos, actitudes y acciones de las enfermeras de Atención Primaria ante la vacuna del virus del papiloma humano

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