Evolution of Infected Chronic Wounds in a Patient with Elephantiasis

Section: Práctica Clínica

How to quote

Hermánez-Bello E, Pérez-Domínguez MP, García-Alejandre R, García-Padilla LM, García-García LR. Evolución de heridas crónicas infectadas en un paciente con elefantiasis. Metas Enferm jul/ago 2019; 22(6):66-72.


Estela Hernández-Bello1, Mª Pilar Pérez-Domínguez2, Raúl García-Alejandre2, Laura Mª García-Padilla2, Laura Rebeca García-García3


1Doctoranda por la Universidad de Zaragoza. Servicio de Medicina Interna A. Máster Universitario (MU) en Ciencias de Enfermería y MU en Gerontología. Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa. Zaragoza 2Enfermera/o. Universidad de Zaragoza. Servicio de Medicina Interna. Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa. Zaragoza3Máster Universitario en Gerontología Social. Servicio de Medicina Interna A. Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa. Zaragoza

Contact address

Estela Hernández Bello. Hospital Clínico Universitario Lozano Blesa. Servicio de Medicina Interna A. Planta 12. Avda. San Juan Bosco, 15. 50009 Zarago

Contact email: estelahbello@gmail.com


We present the clinical case of a patient with elephantiasis and superinfected ulcers in both lower limbs, including the Nursing assessment, primary diagnosis, plan of care, justification for the treatment selected, and subsequent evolution. The evidence of ulcer infection required to initiate therapy with cadexomer iodine in order to treat the infection locally, and hydrogel to prevent the formation of biofilms. Follow-up was conducted one month after the patient was discharged, and favourable evolution was observed, with an increase in granulation tissue and epithelial tissue in many of the lesions; therefore, the procedure of healing in a moist environment was assessed as favourable, and the improvement in hygienic-dietary habits was completed by the patient.


Lymphedema; elephantiasis; wounds; lesions; Nursing care; nursing care

Versión en Español


Evolución de heridas crónicas infectadas en un paciente con elefantiasis