Contribution of Art Therapy to healthcare in persons who have experienced migration processes

Section: Serie

How to quote

Sánchez Velasco AR, Morteruel Arizcuren M. Aportaciones de la arteterapia a la atención a la salud en personas que han vivido procesos migratorios. Metas Enferm jul/ago 2019; 22(6):73-8.


Ana Rosa Sánchez Velasco1, Maite Morteruel Arizcuren2


1Arteterapeuta en Médicos del Mundo Navarra y Asociación Flor de África Navarra. Colaboradora en programas con Espacio Pangea Zaragoza y Asociación Flor de África Navarra y en programas con mujeres migrantes en la Fundación Museo Oteiza y Museo de Bellas Artes de Bilbao.2Doctora en Salud Pública. Investigadora en el Grupo de Investigación en Determinantes Sociales de la Salud y Cambio Demográfico-OPIK. Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea. Bilbao

Contact address

Ana Rosa Sánchez Velasco. C/ Monreal, 4. 31015 Pamplona (Navarra).

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The health of migrant persons is threatened by multiple factors, including those associated with the exposure to unfavorable life and work conditions, discriminatory experiences and low social support, as well as the migration process itself.
Art Therapy represents an approach that can contribute to the improvement in wellbeing for persons who have experienced migration processes, because it offers forms and spaces of expression and connection through art, as well as the identification and implementation of individual and group resources for heath. Its application in the healthcare setting can contribute to the biopsychosocial approach of this group, as well as allowing to move forward in terms of empowering these people for their health improvement.  
This is the sixth article in the Art Therapy series, and its objective is to explore the possibilities that said therapy can offer to persons who have experiences migration processes, first offering a contextualization about the Art Therapy intervention in these people, and showing an experience through the “Tu barrio, tu casa” (“Your neighbourhood, your home”) by Médicos del Mundo (“Doctors of the World”) from Navarra, and to end up with some final considerations regarding the subject.


Art therapy; migration processes; empowerment; “Tu barrio; tu casa”; “Tu barrio; tu casa”; Médicos del Mundo; Médicos del Mundo

Versión en Español


Aportaciones de la arteterapia a la atención a la salud en personas que han vivido procesos migratorios