Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

JULIO 2006 N° 6 Volumen 9

Nursing care in patients undergoing bariatric surgery

Section: Hands on

How to quote

Carrasco Vicario I, Martínez Arribas S, de Miguel Vázquez E, Pérez García N, Sanllorente Mamolar M. Cuidados enfermeros en las personas sometidas a cirugía bariátrica. Metas de Enferm jul/ago 2006; 9(6): 16-20


1Isabel Carrasco Vicario, 2Sara Martínez Arribas, 1Encarnación de Miguel Vázquez, 1Natalia Pérez García, 2Marta Sanllorente Mamolar


1Enfermera de Cirugía “Hospital Divino Vallés”, Burgos.2Enfermera de Área Quirúrgica "Hospital Divino Vallés", Burgos.

Contact address

Avda. Juan XXIII, nº 8, 8º-2ª. 09007 Burgos.


An individual with morbid obesity and a BMI over 40 has a higher risk of suffering from several diseases: high blood pressure, diabetes, breathing difficulty, etc. Bariatric surgery is a complex surgical procedure requiring a multidisciplinary action during the entire process (surgeon, anaesthesiologists, nurse, etc.).
This article describes the nursing care required in this type of surgery to avoid potential complications. Such care is designed individually to meet the needs of each different patient, as complications will vary depending on the patient’s general state of health prior to the procedure, type of surgical technique applied, and the incidences of the immediate postoperative period.


Bariatric surgery; obesity; complicationsperioperative period

Versión en Español


Cuidados enfermeros en las personas sometidas a cirugía bariátrica