Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

SEPTIEMBRE 2006 N° 7 Volumen 9

Instruments based on direct measurements I: Projet Recherche in Nursing (PRN)

Section: Medicion trabajo enfermero

How to quote

Subirana Casacuberta M, Solà Arnau I. Instrumentos basados en medidas directas I: PRN. Metas de Enferm sep 2006; 9(7): 50-54


Mireia Subirana Casacuberta, Ivan Solà Arnau


Diplomada en Enfermería. Profesora asociada. EUE Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau de Barcelona, adscrita a la UAB. Servicio de Epidemiología Clíni

Contact address

St. Antoni Maria Claret 171. 08041 Barcelona

Contact email: msubirana@santpau.es



This article, second of a series of ten, the objective of which is to disseminate the results of a systematic revision on the systems that measure the nursing load, describes the PRN project (Project Recherche in Nursing) as a direct measurement tool. Instruments based on direct measurement of the time consumed in the care of patients are based on an exhaustive description of the care activities undertaken, weighted according to the execution time of the action. These instruments measure the care time from the care activities that were performed or are to be performed on a given patient during a given period of time.
The approach to measure the work load in the PRN system is based on the measurement of several components: direct and indirect care required, transmissions or communications referring to patients, administrative duties, maintenance duties, and the going from place to place within the care unit for things unrelated with the patient.


PRN; Project Recherche in Nursing; instruments; management; work loads; Systematic review; direct measurement

Versión en Español


Instrumentos basados en medidas directas I: Projet Recherche in Nursing (PRN)