Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

OCTUBRE 2006 N° 8 Volumen 9

Social vision of HIV/AIDS

Section: Ethics and Society

How to quote

Martín Lahuerta M. Visión social del VIH/SIDA. Metas de Enferm oct 2006; 9(8): 10-16


María Martín Lahuerta


Diplomada en Enfermería.

Contact address

Urbanización Laguia A, 10, 2º D. 44003 Teruel.

Contact email: mmlchiki@hotmail.com


Even though aspects relating to the transmission of HIV infection are well known, HIV infection continues to be on the rise in our country. The characteristics of the epidemic have changed and there many more women become infected through heterosexual contact. This article looks at how society views HIV-AIDS and the evident difficulty it faces to avoid it. The methodology used consisted in the analysis of the written press, mainly during the week of the World AIDS Day and a semi-structured group interview of young individuals.
The biological dimension (disease) of the cocondition is approached in several papers. The subjective dimension (illness) appeared in some others, while the majority of these papers made reference to the social dimension (sickness), being classified as “moral immunodeficiency” or “social dimension” depending on the group that spoke about such disease.
Young individuals have important gaps of basic knowledge and are still looking at the same questions about disease transmission and infection as in the past, with some myths still present in their minds.
Information on AIDS or HIV is not transmitted properly to the rest of the population. The corresponding authorities and some groups with social power should question their share of involvement and responsibility in this issue.


IV infection; Aids; sociology; preventionepidemiology

Versión en Español


Visión social del VIH/SIDA