Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

JUNIO 2007 N° 5 Volumen 10

Attitudes, skills and knowledge for the elaboration of a competency map for research nurses

Section: Healthcare Management

How to quote

Díaz Benavente M, Martín Leal C. Actitudes, habilidades y conocimientos para la elaboración del mapa de competencias. Metas de Enferm jun 2007; 10(5): 56-62


1Magdalena Díaz Benavente, 2Cándido Martín Leal


1Enfermera. Antropóloga. Supervisora de la Unidad de Investigación en Enfermería de los Hospitales Universitarios Virgen del Rocío, Sevilla (España).2Enfermero de Atención Primaria. Distrito Sanitario de Pilas, Sevilla.

Contact address

Unidad de Coordinación Investigación Enfermería Hospitales Universitarios Virgen del Rocío. Avda. Manuel Siurot, s/n. 4101

Contact email: magdalena.diaz.sspa@juntadeandalucia.es


Objectives: to promote the generation of ideas by experts and managers on the training activities and resources, instruments and management measures needed for the promotion and development of research nursing and to determine current and desirable levels of attitudes, skills and knowledge for the elaboration of a competency map for research nurses at the Virgen del Rocío university hospital group.
Material and method: observational descriptive study conducted at the Virgen del Rocío university hospital group in Seville. Thirty-one of the 64 subjects of the study population (members of the quality commissions and sub-commissions and active researchers) were studied. For data collection, a Nominal Group was first used in the initial phase and two self-designed questionnaires to evaluate the profile of professional research nurses were administered in the second phase of the study.
Main results: 77,4% had difficulty to design a project.
All respondents agreed that in the items evaluating attitudes, skills and knowledge of the competency map; the scores achieved reached levels 4 (high) and 5 (maximum). Nine priority research lines were identified. In the prioritisation for a change of attitude, 29% of respondents indicated learning and improvement as well as the generation of added value to their work as the 1st and 2nd priority. In terms of skill profiles, the maximum score to prioritise was “capacity or ability for team work” (25,8%). Regarding priorities in the approach to knowledge, 54,8% indicated “research methodology” as the first priority.
Conclusion: this experience has made it possible for us to bring together a group of committed professionals and will enable us to design and incorporate a model based on competency profiles for the accreditation of research nurses.


management; competencies; competency map; nominal group; researchtraining

Versión en Español


Actitudes, habilidades y conocimientos para la elaboración del mapa de competencias de la enfermera investigadora