Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

JULIO 2007 N° 6 Volumen 10

Attention given to the main carer from a Primary Care setting

Section: Health and quality of life

How to quote

Orta González MA, Rodríguez Muñiz RM, Prieto Tinoco J. Atención al cuidador/a principal desde Atención Primaria de Salud. Metas de Enferm jul/ago 2007; 10(6): 18-22


1Manuel Alberto Orta González, 1Rosa María Rodríguez Muñiz, 2Juan Prieto Tinoco


1Enfermero/a. Consultorio de San Bartolomé. 2Enfermero de enlace. Zona básica de Salud Bollullos.

Contact address

C/ Rosal 2, 2ºB. 21450 Cartaya (Huelva).

Contact email: alberto.orta@wanadoo.es


The main carer is the key element in the caring for a patient at home.
The carer becomes the nurse’s support and more often than not the support of the family and thus, we, the nursing professionals, should try to pay closer attention to the carer’s needs as one of the most important means of the nursing care provided to patients at their homes.
This study presents strategies for the management of the problems that the main carer is faced with, both from a carer’s model perspective and the client. The study concludes with the proposal of a workshop for carers to attend.


main carer; home visits; Primary Care; tiredness; role of the carer; Community Nursingreview

Versión en Español


Atención al cuidador/a principal desde Atención Primaria de Salud