Metas de Enfermería

Metas de Enfermería

OCTUBRE 2007 N° 8 Volumen 10

Efficiency of an intervention carried out by liaison nurses in the prescribing of absorbents

Section: Cover story

How to quote

Rivas Cerdeira RM, Cantarero Lafuente L, La Orden Macorra MJ, Reina Garfia MM, Burgos Gorjón MA, Páez Fernández A et al. Eficiencia de una intervención de las enfermeras de enlace en la prescripción de absorbentes. Metas de Enferm oct 2007; 10(8): 28-31


Rosa Mª Rivas Cerdeira, Lourdes Cantarero Lafuente, Mª Jesús La Orden Macorra, Mª del Mar Reina Garfia, Mª Ángeles Burgos Gorjón, Antonia Páez Fern&aacu


Diplomadas en Enfermería. Enfermeras de Enlace Distrito Sanitario Aljarafe, Servicio Andaluz de Salud.

Contact address

Centro de Salud Mairena del Aljarafe. Avda de las Américas, s/n. 41927 Mairena del Aljarafe.

Contact email: rosam.rivas.sspa@juntadeandalucia.es


Objectives: to analyse the prescription of absorbents in an institutionalised population contingent upon the presence of a nursing diagnosis of urine incontinence. The economic repercussion after a nursing intervention aimed at the adequation of the prescription of absorbents was also analysed.
Material and method: before and after quasi-experimental study carried out between May and June 2005. After individual assessment, residents were diagnosed as having or not having urine incontinence. Subsequently, the prescription of absorbents was analysed and adjusted and economic repercussion after the nursing intervention analysed. For bivariate statistical analysis, the Chi square test was used.
Results: of 1,319 residents, 920 had been prescribed absorbents, of which, depending on their diagnosis of incontinence, 590 had been incorrectly prescribed. The utilisation of the model and size of the absorbents changed significantly after the nursing intervention. The estimated saving, taking into account the price per prescription, was 57,342 € per year.
Conclusions: the prescription of absorbents, based on a nursing assessment and a good differential diagnosis of incontinence, improved the quality of life of incontinent patients and reduced the cost of this provision.


prescription; nursing diagnosis; elderly; urine incontinence; disabled; absorbents; nursing homes; nurse liaison; Community NursingPrimary Care

Versión en Español


Eficiencia de una intervención de las enfermeras de enlace en la prescripción de absorbentes