Analysis of adherence in people with ischemic heart disease, Morisky-Green versus pharmacological dispensation

Section: Artículos Científicos


 Álvaro Vilela Pájaro1, Gemma Amat i Camats2


    1 Enfermero especialista de Enfermería Familiar y Comunitaria. ABS Onze de Setembre, Institut Català de la Salut, Lleida.        2 Enfermera, ABS de Balaguer, Institut Català de la Salut, Lleida.

Contact address

Álvaro Vilela Pájaro. Carrer Vallcalent, 47, 2-1. 25006 Lleida


Introduction. Ischemic heart disease represents 50 % of cardiovascular deaths in Spain. Treatment adherence is essential in its control. The aim of this article is to know the therapeutic compliance of patients with ischemic heart disease according to two indirect adherence measurement methods.
Method. Cross-sectional descriptive study on a population of 492 patients. The Morisky-Green test (AsM-G) was obtained by telephone by a staff of eight nurses and the pharmacological dispensation (AsD) was checked by means of a computer program. The results obtained by both methods were compared with each other.
Results. 73.6% participate in the survey, with a good adherence, of 77.1%, being found as per AsM-G (although 16.6% have oversights). The good AsD > 60% / >80% is 73% / 60.4%, respectively, increasing up to 93.7% and 93.1% in AsD > 60% of antiplatelet and antilipemic agents. In the bivariate analysis, 61.3% of the general AsD > 80% has good AsM-G (p = 0.016), arising to 91% in antilipemic (p = 0.001) and to 89.2% in antiplatelet agents (p = 0.003). There is a relationship between the antihypertensive agent AsD > 60% / > 80% and the SBP/DBP control (132 ± 14.9 / 72.6 ± 9.6 versus 135.6 ±14.2 / 74.5 ± 10.6 in non-adherents, p = 0.038, p = 0.048).
Conclusions. Compliance values are lower with the method as per pharmacological dispensation than with the Morisky-Green test, there being a statistical significance in most relationships. The highest compliance values correspond to ischemic heart disease-specific drugs. It is demonstrated that the Morisky-Green test overestimates adherence. Better clinical results are found in those patients with ischemic heart disease who have a good adherence.


results show that certain environmental conditions promote comfort; pandemics; conference; Healthcare crisis; however; structural and human aspects can and should be improved; adaptation psychological; chlorhexidine; health outcomes; however; Attitudinal beliefs; publication formats; complex chronic patient; haloperidol; structural and human aspects can and should be improved; CCCS-18; consumption of alcoholic beverages; Torsades de Pointes; poster; publication formats; prevalence: descriptive cross-sectional study; Chlorhexidine; Poster; Conference; ventricular tachycardia; nursing care; taxonomy

Versión en Español


Análisis de la adherencia en personas con cardiopatía isquémica, Morisky-Green versus dispensación farmacológica

Artículo completo no disponible en este idioma / Full article is not available in this language


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