Enfermería en Cardiología

Enfermería en Cardiología

SEPTIEMBRE 2020 N° 81 Volumen 30

Analysis of nursing workloads in the CCU with the NAS scale

Section: Artículos Científicos

How to quote

Enferm Cardiol. 2020; 27 (81): 32-37


Samar Habbab Mohamed1, Isabel Martín Girón1, Ingrid Rovira Vilamala1, Sandra Simon Llorente1, Raquel Cruz Díaz1, Marta Faixeda Calero2


  1 Diplomada en enfermería. Enfermera de la Unidad de Críticos Cardiológicos del Hospital Universitario  Dr. Josep Trueta, Girona.    2 Graduada en enfermería Enfermera de la Unidad de Críticos Cardiológicos del Hospital Universitario Dr. Josep Trueta, Girona.

Contact address

Hospital Universitario Dr. Josep Trueta Unidad de Cardiología. Avda. França s/n. 17001 Girona

Contact email: shabbab.girona.ics@gencat.cat


ntroduction. The increase in intensive care directly affects material and human resources, as well as care workload. The recently published evidence dictates that the validated scale Nursing Activities Score is most adequate to quantify the nursing workloads in critical units.
The aim is to know which is the care workload born by nursing at the Cardiological Critical Unit (CCU) of the Hospital Universitari Dr. Josep Trueta of Girona, and consequently to check whether the patient/nurse ratio is adequate. Currently, the CCU has a ratio of 3 patients per nurse (3:1).
Methodology. A longitudinal, prospective, observational, descriptive study was carried out from November 2018 to May 2019. The representative sample was calculated and a total of 263 patients were enrolled. With the gathered information, a database was generated, and said data were analyzed with the aid of the Excel program.
Results. Almost half of the patients are admitted to our unit with a diagnosis of ST-segment-elevation acute coronary syndrome (47.9%), non-ST-segment-elevation acute coronary syndrome (28.1%) and arrhythmias (8%). The mean duration of hospitalization in the unit is 4.64 days, the mean age being 65.02 years and the vast majority being men (77.2%). Regarding the results obtained from the NAS scale, it has been possible to extract that the average per patient during his/her stay at the unit is 59.37 scores.
Conclusions. If the evidence on the use of the NAS scale recommends that a nurse assumes a maximum care workload of 100 scores daily, thanks to our study we conclude that the ratio in our unit should be 2:1.


workload; nursing activities score; critical care; intensive care units; nursing stuff

Versión en Español


Análisis de las cargas de trabajo de las enfermeras en la UCC gracias a la escala NAS

Artículo completo no disponible en este idioma / Full article is not available in this language


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