Bibliometric analysis of the journal Nursing in Cardiology in the last 26 years (1994 - 2020) Abstract

Section: Artículos Científicos


 José Manuel Martínez Casas1, Jessica Medina García2, Lutfie María Moussa Martínez3, Rafael Mesa Rico4.


  1 Enfermero y Estadístico. Hospital Universitario San Cecilio, Granada.   2 Enfermera. Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves, Granada.   3 Enfermera. Hospital Universitario San Cecilio, Granada.  4 Enfermero. Hospital Costa del Sol, Marbella, Málaga.

Contact address

José Manuel Martínez Casas. C/ Rector López Argüeta, 1, 2º C. 18001 Granada

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  Introduction. Scientific research in nursing has become increasingly more prominent over the years, as has been shown by bibliometric studies. One of the main goals of scientific research is to share information with academic and professional communities; and for this reason, it is necessary to publish research in leading scientific journals. Nursing care now has increasing visibility and the role of nurses nowadays more important within the frame of health care systems. In this article we want to highlight this new perspective. On the 26th anniversary of Nursing in Cardiology, we analyse and compare scientific articles published in the journal between 2015-2020 and 1994-2014, taking into account several new and old bibliometric indicators.
Material and method. An analysis of the distribution of Nursing in Cardiology by years of publication, institutions, Autonomous Communities, countries, languages, keywords, author productivity and rate of collaboration between authors was performed. Also, a descriptive study of bibliographic references was carried out, measuring the obsolescence (Price index) of bibliographic references published in the last 6 years. A total of 124 of 768 articles published during this period of time were analysed.
Results. The mean number of scientific articles per issue was 7, with an estimate of 3,86 authors per article. The type of articles most frequently published were descriptive studies, clinical cases, protocols and guidelines. Among the scientific articles, 209 different institutions were identified. The majority of articles presented in scientific congresses were clinical cases.
Conclusions. Over the last 5 years, Nursing in Cardiology has consolidated its position and increased the quality of its scientific publications, with a higher rate of participation among authors; however, there is still a low rate of international contribution. Generally, the journal publishes articles of a quantitative nature and has a tendency to a more practical approach, as it encompasses clinical cases, protocols and guidelines for clinical practice. Regarding the H index of Spanish scientific journals in Google Scholar Metrics, Nursing in Cardiology was at 16th position in 2018, rising one position from 2017. On the other hand, in the Ranking Cuiden Citación of nursing care journals most cited in Latin America, it rose to 47th position in 2019.


bibliometrics; nursing research; evaluation studies as topic; nursing; cardiology; scientific and technical publications; collaboration indicatorimpact indicators

Versión en Español


Análisis bibliométrico de la revista Enfermería en Cardiología en los últimos 26 años (1994 - 2020)

Artículo completo no disponible en este idioma / Full article is not available in this language


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