Nursing and physiotherapy: an interdisciplinary approach to a patient with Inherited Cardiovascular Disease. Clinical case

Section: Casos clínicos


  Ana Talavera Sáez1, Cristina Alonso Blanco2, Ángel Lizcano Álvarez3.


  1 Graduada en Enfermería. Enfermera del programa de cardiovascular de la Clínica Universitaria  Rey Juan Carlos.   2 Diplomada en Enfermería y Fisioterapia, doctora en Ciencias de la Salud. Profesora del departamento de Fisioterapia, Terapia Ocupacional, Rehabilitación y Medicina Física, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.  3 Doctor en Enfermería. Profesor del departamento de Medicina y Cirugía, Psicología, Medicina Preventiva y Salud Pública Inmunología y Microbiología Médica, Enfermería y Estomatología, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos.

Contact address

Ana Talavera Sáez. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Avenida de Atenas s/n. 28922 Alcorcón (Madrid)

Contact email:


Introduction. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a familial heart disease whose main complication is the development of malignant arrhythmias. When HCM is associated with other cardiovascular disease, such as aortic aneurysm, the risks for the patient increase. Objectives: To report the improvement in a HCM patient‘s quality of life by the organized and joint action of health professionals and highlight the importance of individualizing the therapeutic plan in a holistic way.
Clinical observation. A 52-year-old man was diagnosed with familial HCM and a 46mm ascending aortic aneurysm. He has no other comorbidities or CVRF; he is interested in sporting activities. He attends the Interdisciplinary Cardiovascular Care on an outpatient basis for eight months and receives treatment from Nursing and Physiotherapy. Care Plan: The nursing assessment was carried out using the M. Gordon standards. Nursing diagnoses were prioritized by applying the Analysis of Results of the Current State Model, the diagnoses were «Sedentary lifestyle» and «Deficient knowledge». The initial and expected scores of objectives were established using the Likert scale. The nursing interventions were designed in two ways, one in collaboration with the physiotherapist –in order to design and carry out physical conditioning sessions– and the other to control cardiovascular disease in an independent way.
Conclusions. Multidisciplinary management can achieve a patient‘s objectives in an efficient way. Integration of interventions based on the acquisition of knowledge and skills that favour self-care regarding cardiovascular health, are essential.


patient care team; nursing care; aortic aneurysm; hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; physical therapy specialtycardiac rehabilitation

Versión en Español


Abordaje interdisciplinar –enfermería y fisioterapia– de un paciente con cardiopatía familiar. Caso clínico

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