

ENERO 2005 N° 1 Volumen 3

Nursing intervention in guarded homes



Mª de los Ángeles Castaño Molina


Enfermera Especilista en Salud Mental.

Contact email: angcastaño@hotmail.com


The development of this article focuses on demonstrating the importance of continued nursing care in guarded homes. This idea emerges from the absence of this professional figure within this community resource as far as mental health is concerned. The type of care provided by the nurse, as described next, is not carried out.

The objective is to propose a nursing role in an orderly manner, with objectives that are attainable in a timely fashion, in this case 28 weeks. The aim is to help the residents to resolve problems that come up in daily life. The work in the homes will help the individuals living in the premises develop the abillities, thus resolving at a later time the problems that might arise once the residents leave the homes and have to face the world on their own without the protection offered at the homes. This is the time to exploit this resource to the maximum so that all parties involve can benefit from it in the best possible manner. The presence of the nurse will also help the residents become less dependent on the hospital environment when necessary, promoting the acquisition and use of their own abilities, all of which will impact positively on the quality of life of the users. As far as the professionals are concerned, interdisciplinary communication will be improved, which will ultimately improve the quality of the healthcare delivered.

The working model depicted in this paper is applicable to all guarded homes, although as everything else in life, it must be adapted to each particular situation, time and specific place. The initiative is approached from a determined framework; guarded homes in the city of Castellon and their residents.


nursing; mental healthguarded homes

Versión en Español


Intervención de Enfermería en viviendas tuteladas